Saturday, June 18, 2011

Make Your Own Reusable Baby Wipes

I had a large square of flannelet that I got for 25 cents from the scrap bin when I went to Dressew. It was a good size at about 12x13 inches but not good enough fabric to make into a headband like my other scraps. It's been sitting there for about 2 weeks because I didn't know what to use it for.

I finally decided that I would make some cloth wipes for Alice's cute little bum. We usually use a washcloth in a recycled refillable wipes container full of water for pee diapers but they are terrycloth and a bit rough. This flannelet is nice and soft and it made 6 wipes. It was really easy to do, I didn't even bother measuring anything.

I just folded my fabric in half and ironed it and then folded that into 3 and ironed it again. When I unfolded it I just cut along the lines. You can round off the corners if you like but I didn't bother, I might next time because then I won't have to stop and lift the foot on the sewing machine to turn the wipes when I stitch them.

You can just leave them like this if you like but they will fray around the edges when they go through the washer. You can use pinking shears on all of them or you can sew the edges. I don't have pinking shears so I sewed the edges using a zigzag stitch. I sewed them upside down because I like the look of the bottom of the stitch better.

Then I ironed them again (top picture) just so they would be a neat little stack. There we go, 6 reusable wipes for just 25 cents!

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